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Geological Walk at Llansteffan

This is some additional information and pictures to support the geology walk at Porthcawl. Take a look at the descriptions under each picture to see more information

The Localities mentioned on this post relate to the map which is included in the leaflet PDF and is repeated here to make this page easier to read. For more information and descriptions of all the localities and the start point, parking etc. please see the leaflet

To download and print this walk, please open / download the PDF version here

Pseudoanticline structures in caliche deposits at Locality 3 on the walk with thicker limestone layer beneath
These thicker limestone layers at locality 3 are pure enough for karstic weathering to take place on gently dipping surfaces which are not weathered by too much direct tidal action
The thicker green sandstone layers at Locality 6 which are river channel deposits. A closer view is in the picture below
A vertical section through a beaconites burrow this was created by an animal which looked something like this reconstruction which is show under CC licence created by Wikipedia user Qohelet12
The channel fills at Locality 7 can be seen to be cutting into previously deposited layers showing that at times of high flow there were erosional rather than depositional processes taking place
The structure of these ripple marks can be considered from different angles (see also picture below) and through careful review and interpretation of these the directions and nature of the flow can be determined. In this case it is considered that these are meandering rivers in a relatively low flow environment

•BGS Geology Viewer is a free smartphone app to view geological maps of Britain wherever you go

We hope you enjoyed this short tour of Llansteffan. If you’d like to learn more about our local geology, take a look at other pages on the South Wales Geologists’ Association website: