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Geological Walk at Ogmore-by-Sea, Vale of Glamorgan

This is some additional information and pictures to support the geology walk at Ogmore-by-Sea. Take a look at the descriptions under each picture to see more information

The Localities mentioned on this post relate to the map which is included in the leaflet PDF and is repeated here to make this page easier to read. For more information and descriptions of all the localities and the start point, parking etc. please see the leaflet

To download and print this walk, please open / download the PDF version here

The view over the sand dunes of Merthyr mawr from Locality 1 these are as recent as the 16th century
The pink colured sandstone and conglomerate of Triassic age filling in the fissures in the Carboniferous aged limestone. The grey blocks within the pink are blocks of the older rocks that have been washed into the fissures along with the "younger" sands
Angular fragments of limestone in the Triassic Breccia showing the limited weathering that has taken place indicating a low movement from their source location
Obvious unconfirmity between the Carboniferous aged Limestone below and the Triassic aged conglomerate above
The more rounded clasts and less pink coloured breccia at Locality 7 indicating more traansport weathering than at the previous locality.
The junction between the Carboniferous aged limestone and the Sutton Stone (above the red line) at Locality 8

•BGS Geology Viewer is a free smartphone app to view geological maps of Britain wherever you go

We hope you enjoyed this short tour of Ogmore-by-Sea, Vale of Glamorgan. If you’d like to learn more about our local geology, take a look at other pages on the South Wales Geologists’ Association website: